Friday, November 28, 2014

Dvar Torah for Parshas Vayeitzei


Parshas Vayeitzei


Today, while learning all about this weeks Parshah of Vayeitzei, we created beautiful 12 Shvatim stained glass windows. Inspired by Marc Chagall and Moshe Moscovitz (two Jewish artist who created stained glass expressions of the twelve tribes of Israel) we traced and coloured these designs onto glass panes and hope to display them in our sun room at school.

Good Shabbos

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Parshah Toldos

In honour of this week's Parshah we commemorated Yaakov's purchase of Eisav's birthright. We couldn't believe that anyone would sell their birthright for a bowl of lentil soup, so we made lentil soup. Some of us liked it so much we could see why Eusav sold his birthright, others just couldn't understand it. To top it off, we ate oir lentil soup in a bread bowl. בתאבון!

Rosetta Stone in Action

Our learners are enjoying the Rosetta Stone Hebrew program we have instituted. They are busy learning vocabulary, grammar and pronounciation. This is a great self directed learning that each learner is taking seriously. Don't believe me, just look at the pictures :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hashavas Aveida

Today at CLC we had the wonderful opportunity to return a lost object.
A few weeks ago Jonah found a woman's entrance key card and we took the opportunity to find its owner.
Luckily the lady's name was on the card and being that she is a public worker for Ontario health, her contact info was a Google search away.

She came today to pick it up and was very thankful!.

Great job Jonah!

Friday, November 7, 2014

11 Cheshvan

This past Tuesday was Yud Alef Cheshvan, the Yom Hilulah (day of passing) of Rochel Imeinu. She promised the Jewish people, her children, when they were leaving Israel during the Babylonian exile that they would one day return. She said, "Veshavu Banim LeGevulam" (my children will return to their land). 
In her honour we made a 3D artwork of her Kever (tomb) which is in Bait Lechem, just outside Yerushalayim. 

Also, we learned that to remember which day is her Hilulah, remember that the word Aim (mother) has the numerical value of 41 and 11 Cheshvan is 41 days after Rosh Hashanah.  

Blues and Jews

This year we will be learning music and to play the guitar. Here are a few pics from our first lesson on Electric Guitar. 

Parshat Vayeira

This week in the CLC ( which we all decided should also be know as the JCLC) we moved into our new building. Thank you to everyone who made this possible and made the transition so smooth. We are going to have a great year! 

This weeks Parshah tells us about Avraham's kindness and how he performed the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim, even when he was in pain from his Bris Milah. In that honour, we at JCLC created our own testament to Hachnasat Orchim by creating a Welcome Mat to welcome guests to our school. Below you will see how each of the founding students got to inscribe their name on the mat.