Wednesday, June 17, 2015


This year, we learned all about some great people form Judaism's past. For the Rishonim, the students created four short movie trailers. Each trailer needed to tell the story of the Rishon with relevant pictures, music, themes, etc.  Here are links to the four trailers:

The Ramban



Maharam of Rotenberg


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Megillat Rut (Book of Ruth)

We downloaded these beautiful paper dolls form in honour of Shavuot.

With them we created a series of pictures telling the story of Ruth.


Just in time for Shavuot, we created No-Bake Cheese Cakes! 
It was so easy, fun and delicious!

1 Graham Cracker Crust (or the six mini crusts)

1 8oz container of Cream Cheese
1 Cup Icing Sugar
1 TeaSpoon Vanilla Extract

1 Can of Pie Filling (your choice of flavour, we used cherry) or
chocolate chips

1. Mix cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl, wait until the mixture is a bit     warm/very smooth

2. Gently place mixture into graham cracker crust, be careful to do so carefully as crust can break easily

3. Top with pie filling or chocolate chips

4. Eat and enjoy!

It was that simple!!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Parshas Tazria-Metzora

We spoke about the laws and effects of Lashon Hara. Once we had a good understanding of the gravity of this aveira, we read the book "A Sack Full of Feathers" by Debby Waldman and Cindy Revell. To bring the message we went outside, spread feathers around and tried to collect them after an hour.

I then distributed a quote to each student to create a visual poster for our classroom that reminds us about being careful of how we speak. Here are the posters. (we used half size bristol board, acrylic paint and Letraset press on letters)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Sefiras HaOmer Advent Calendar

We made an advent Calendar to help us count the Sefirat HaOmer. Inside each dixie cup is a Mike n Ike for each student, plus one additional Mike n Ike. When Sefira is counted in school, each student receives a candy reward. The additional candy is placed in the 50th cup which will  then be shared once Sefira is finished. Happy counting!

Here is another one we made in another Home School:

Friday, February 27, 2015

Pesach Project

We made our very own Hagaddah commentary books, literally. We took paper and sewed it together, book pressed it, created covers out of felt and cardboard and the researched Divrei Torah for each step and part of the Seder. What we came out with was not only a holistic experience but a beautiful book that we can use each year at Pesach.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Heart and Soul of the CLC

For our last day before the winter break we decided to do something special. We volunteered at the Chai Lifeline, an amazing organization dedicated to helping families who have members with severe illness, רחמנה לצלן. We organized their whole toy room to make the toys more accessible. These toys are distributed thought Chanukah, and the year, to children who are not yet well. The people at chai lifeline were very thankful and more than impressed with our efforts. 
Great job everyone! 
To celebrate, we played a great game of bowling at the Newtonbrook Bowlerama.

Happy Chanukah

For our Chanukah celebration, we had a Chanukah fun day where we watched our Chanukah show, to be posted soon, played an intense game of Jewpardy and played a fun game of dreidel. Here are some pics from the dreidel game. 

Wood Burning

Here are some pictures of our wood burning craft. The students made challah boards and burned special messages into the wood.