Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Megillat Rut (Book of Ruth)

We downloaded these beautiful paper dolls form DenaAckerman.com in honour of Shavuot.

With them we created a series of pictures telling the story of Ruth.


Just in time for Shavuot, we created No-Bake Cheese Cakes! 
It was so easy, fun and delicious!

1 Graham Cracker Crust (or the six mini crusts)

1 8oz container of Cream Cheese
1 Cup Icing Sugar
1 TeaSpoon Vanilla Extract

1 Can of Pie Filling (your choice of flavour, we used cherry) or
chocolate chips

1. Mix cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl, wait until the mixture is a bit     warm/very smooth

2. Gently place mixture into graham cracker crust, be careful to do so carefully as crust can break easily

3. Top with pie filling or chocolate chips

4. Eat and enjoy!

It was that simple!!