Monday, October 6, 2014

Sustainable Sukkah Project

For the past two weeks at the CLC and Traurig Homeschool the Students learned about sustainability. This  term which we must always be aware of, always thinking about the environment and how we can protect its limited resources. 

To bring this subject to practicality, and to connect it with a Jewish lesson/value/mitzvah we applied what we learned about sustainability to building a Sukkah. We made sure our Sukkot were made from 100% recyclable and recycled materials and used only manual labour. Below are some pictures from both schools and a report written by the Traurig boys.

Enjoy, and have a happy and joyous Sukkot!



By K. T.
I Used For My Sukkah by M. T.                B"H

1. Ping Pong Table
2. Extra wood pieces
3. Cereal Box
4. Milk Carton
5. Vacuum Bag
6. Kettle Box
7. Freezies Box
8. Shopping Bag
9. Tissue Box
10. Nail Box
11. Cream Cheese container
12. old bamboo pieces
13. old wood
14. reused nails
15. water bottle

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