Monday, September 15, 2014

Teshuvah, Tefillah U'Tzedaka

Today at the CLC Homeschool we spoke about three new BIG Rosh Hashanah themes: Teshuvah, Tefillah and Tzedaka.

First, we spoke about what we already knew about these three topics.
Second, we got into groups of two and took letters of the Aleph-Bet to spell out one of the words.

Third, we took random Lego pieces and created our own vision of what our word meant. Unfortunately the Students broke theirs apart before Rabbi B had a chance to take a picture. The group who worked on Teshuvah made a shul, complete with aron kodesh, benches and mechitza. Their vision was that Teshuvah was a communal process that is done as a community. The seats were long rows where each group sat together to work on their past and towards their future.
The Tefillah group had a similar vision of a shul where there was a ramp going up signifying the process of davening as slow and steady. As well, there was a balancing long Lego piece signifying the balance we all must to when praying to not think about mundane matters. There was also a piece that had an eye on it signifying that H" is always watching us and we should "Da Lifnei Mi Atah Omed" - know before Who we stand.
The Tzedaka group made a tzedaka box that reached towards the heaven, signifying the holy act of giving money to people less fortunate.

Lastly we looked in the machzor to see where these themes, and previously discussed themes like shofar, din (judgement), malchiyot (kingship) and zichronot (remembrances), came up.

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